
Get all your resources here to help you write and publish your book!

Manuscript Review: Submit your manuscript for a professional critique of your storyline and what it needs to bring it to the publishing level. For only $100 we will review your submission and call you for a 20 minute book discovery session to answer your questions. . Submit here. (This is NOT an edit just a review.) 

Fiction Plot Diagram: Use this free diagram to flesh out your fiction storyline. Every good book needs an excellent plot. They all follow the same story arc. This will tell you how to organize the details of your story as all famous movies and tv shows do. Download here.

Character Developmental Worksheets: Download this free worksheet to flesh out your characters in your storyline. You need to know your characters better than they know themselves. This is a crucial part to do before even starting to write. Download here.

Skeleton Story Diagram: This is a simple outline for your fiction story. Fill this out prior to writing to organize the thoughts in your head. Who are the characters? What is the situation they are in? What conflicts do they encounter and how do they overcome it? Plus examples from popular movies to help you adapt your storyline. Download here.

Non-Fiction Outline: Use this to help organize your non-fiction story. It has all the necessary components that go into a book. Download here.

Square Book Template: This is a 8.5 inch x 8.5 inch square book template with print specs to use as a guideline when laying out illustrations and text so things will not get cut off. This template is usually used with children’s books. Gutter width will depend upon how many pages are inside. Usually you need 100 or more to have a spine big enough to print on. Download here.

Vertical Book Template: This is an 8.5 inch x 11 inch vertical book template with print specs. This is used for larger children’s book along with workbooks. Download here.

How to Write a Non-Fiction Book in 4 Weeks Online Course: Take our online course on Udemy to help you get started on your non-fiction book. It has course materials to download as well. Go here to start,